July 26, 2006

What will I do with myself??

It is Wednesday morning at 11 am. I am drinking coffee, playing on the computer, and doing some laundry. I feel like I am missing something though. Have you ever had that feeling that you were suppose to do something but your not sure what? Oh I remember now!!! Breakfast, I have not made anyone breakfast yet, or got them dressed, or yelled at them to pick up their toys and turn off the TV. WHY?

Because they are not here!!!!!!!!!!

YES my kids are at grandma's this week!! No 6:30 "Can I have juice mom?", or 9am "I don't want to eat breakfast!", or 10am "He hit me! She turned the channel!". Four glorious kid free days!! I am currently waiting for the clothes to be done and I am gonna go lay out at my aunt's pool. No kids to splash me or tip my raft, no kids to make lunch for or help to the potty, no kids, no kids, no kids!!!!!!!!!!!! Have a great week!

July 21, 2006

Dear Monkey

My Darling Monkey Boy,

I write on this blog for fun, to keep the few people who read it up to date on what's been going in our life, to remember things that I may forget, and secretly for you guys to read one day (especially if I am not here:( ). I hope to be able to look back and read this one day and remember things, or special days, or feelings that maybe without this I would not have remembered. I also hope you will enjoy reading it too.

About a week ago, while we were driving home from Aunt Sue's you asked me about how you decide to get married. I explained that you would fall "in love" and when you are ready you will buy a ring and get down on one knee and ask your girlfriend to marry you.
"What if I am nervous?" you asked.
How cute are you? You asked about dating girls, and what you would say to get a girl to go out with you, and where you would go, ect. . This was a very long conversation, and it was a sweet one that I hope I never forget.
*If you read this before you are dating remember that girls like to be treated special, but do not kiss their butt!
*Always treat them like a lady when they act like one, but if they do not (and many don't) please don't waste your time.
*There is no "one special girl", what can be special is a relationship that you have with one of them. If you do have a "special relationship", treat it that way!
*Never disrespect a girl you love! Actually never disrespect a girl period. If they disrespect you, do not tolerate it.
* Please pay on the first date, but not every date!
* And if she does not return your love or kindness DO NOT continue to date her, even if it is hard not to. Girls can be very mean and manipulative.
These are my little bits of advice about woman. I hope I am here to give them to you when you are dating and I hope you will want to hear them from me.
Love Mom
PS* I'm not so sure you should ask dad about this stuff, love him as I may, I don't think this is his strongest subject. Ask him for help with your homework, he has "booksmarts" pouring out of him!!

July 19, 2006

I can't help myself!

I am addicted! I have found a Blog that I can't stop checking. I visit it several times a day. There is usually a new post everyday, once in awhile, twice a day. It makes me late for things cause I can't stop reading. I even go back and read previous posts that I have read before. Some posts make me pee in my pants, some are really pretty sad, and every now and then there is a sweet one too. Dying to know what it is yet????
True Wife Confessions
Enjoy! 237, 199, 178, 67, and 53 are some of my favorites, but none are actually mine! Yet?!

July 18, 2006

Birthday Wishes!

So it's only a few days till my 30th Birthday!
I'm not big on age, "It's only a number". I am a little excited about this one though. There is something very exciting about starting a new decade. A little sad too. I have passed into a new stage of my life, which means the old stage is over. Luckily that is much more exciting to me than sad.
This is not a blog about how my life has changed though, I'll be 30!! Fun! In honor of the occasion I would like to share 30 things I would love to have this year. (Sal's Idea)

1. Mommy Tags (although it is a little late to order and have them in by the big day I want them none the less) www.mommytags.com
2. A good pair of running shoes
3. Some stuff from American Eagle (my favorite store)
4. Sexy panties (I love underwear!)
5. A long weekend away with my husband
6. Chapstick
7. 3 Black shelves, to put picture frames on, for my living room (Target, Kohl's, Pottery Barn)
8. Great Expectations bracelet from EKDesigns (http://www.ekdesignsjewelry.com/) , or the Passion Flower, or the...Ok I would like almost anything from that designer!
9. more chapstick
10. Soundtrack to "50 First Dates", Ne-Yo CD (yeah I like him), the lastest Stevie Wonder CD, and some Lionel Richie
11. Trees (I love like 10 Juniper Trees, and a red maple for my back yard)
12. A manicure and a pedicure
13. A happy year!! I know some are good and some are bad, I hope this one is good.
14. Health, obviously this should be first but I believe a lot of our health is in our control so I can make this or break it. But some things are out of our control, and cause of that I wish for Health for as many people as my wish may allow me to fit in!
15. I want to go Golfing, I have been dying to go golfing, please someone take me golfing!
16. A funny movie, I love comedies!
17. An ipod, doesn't have to hold a lot of songs just and hour or two would be fine for me
18. Dinner at CARMINES in the city and tickets to go see Blue Man Group
19. A new bathing suit!! My current one is awful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
20. Rollerblades, come September I will have 3 kids in school Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings, how I would love to grab my ipod and blades and go to the park for some exercise!!!
21. Fun & Laughter whenever possible!!
22. A family picture, we have not done one since Eric was 7 months old :( .
23. A new Anne Klein watch (waterproof)
24. Sheets for my bed
25. Orange and Yellow Dragon lilies planted along the side of my house, and all the dumb weeds removed!
26. My downstairs bathroom redone
27. Some jewelry real or fake. (American Eagle has great costume jewelry),
28. A tennis racket and someone to play tennis with.
29. There is something hiding in one of my drawers that only Jace would know about and I want a new one. :)
30. Homemade Birthday cards, not quick mom's gonna wake up soon cards! Real "I've been working on these for days, mom's gonna save them forever" cards! From you too Jace! Actually from anyone who reads this , I love homemade cards.

Wow! I thought that would be harder than it was. Have a great day and thanx for reading!
(*the trip to Europe is for my 40th baby, so start saving!!)

July 05, 2006

Maybe He'll be a Photographer

I blog about this because I never want to forget what a funny kid my monkey is!! He has managed to steal my camera from me a take pictures. The boy loves to take pictures........of himself. ENJOY

The world through the eyes of The Monkey

Tell me you are not peeing your pants right now?

I've been Tagged by yet another

5 things in my refrigerator:
1. Leftovers from BBQ's all weekend
2. Oceanspray Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice (mmmmmmm!!)
3. Eggs
4. GoGurts
5. International Delight French Vanilla cream

5 things in my closet:
1. Red & Black dress with gold embroidery that goes to my feet. It's a hippie sort of dress I got it in New Orleans on my anniversary and I love it!!!!
2. Black leather boots that I could not make it through the winter without
3. Jace's t-shirts, another thing I could not live without
4. A bag of maternity clothes on the floor that I am dying to get rid of
5. A pair of jeans from American Eagle (they make all my other jeans useless)

5 things in my purse:
1. Chapstick (as many flavors as possible)
2. My celphone
3. Almay face powder
4. Pack of gum
5. pics of my kids (17 to be exact, I never take out the old ones)

5 things in my car:
1. Phone charger
2. Napkins
3. A bag of library books for the kids to read
4. CD's
5. Chapstick (incase my purse is not close enough)

You're tagged!!