July 05, 2006

I've been Tagged by yet another

5 things in my refrigerator:
1. Leftovers from BBQ's all weekend
2. Oceanspray Ruby Red Grapefruit Juice (mmmmmmm!!)
3. Eggs
4. GoGurts
5. International Delight French Vanilla cream

5 things in my closet:
1. Red & Black dress with gold embroidery that goes to my feet. It's a hippie sort of dress I got it in New Orleans on my anniversary and I love it!!!!
2. Black leather boots that I could not make it through the winter without
3. Jace's t-shirts, another thing I could not live without
4. A bag of maternity clothes on the floor that I am dying to get rid of
5. A pair of jeans from American Eagle (they make all my other jeans useless)

5 things in my purse:
1. Chapstick (as many flavors as possible)
2. My celphone
3. Almay face powder
4. Pack of gum
5. pics of my kids (17 to be exact, I never take out the old ones)

5 things in my car:
1. Phone charger
2. Napkins
3. A bag of library books for the kids to read
4. CD's
5. Chapstick (incase my purse is not close enough)

You're tagged!!


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