MAY 18th 2009
Happy Birthday Bear!!
I remember the day you were born more clearly then you will realize till you have your own kids. It was 8:27 at night, you were 7lbs 1 1/2 oz, and 20 inches long. You were terribly cute, and terribly cranky!! I believe you cried for a good 8 months. Today I tease you about it all the time, but that first year it did not seem funny at all. You grew to be the sweetest little thing I could have ever imagined. Your charm has captured me a thousand times over.
I remember clearly one day we were walking in the grocery store, you were about 3 years old, and I said
"Eric, I like to be your mom.", and without skipping a beat you said "I like to be your son.".
It was the cutest thing I've ever heard. Today at EIGHT years old you still say the same thing to me.
For your eighth birthday this year you had a few friends sleep over, and we had some family over for dinner. You guys ran around outside, played with Nerf guns, bounced on the trampoline, played video games, and watched movies. It was a fun night. You had a lacrosse tournament the next day, so I packed up a few of your friends and took them with us. We didn't get home till 8 that night. It was the longest birthday party EVER!! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.
Blowing out the candles with your brother trying to mess with you
Aunt Lisa bought you a skate board YOU LOVE!
Lacrosse tournament
I hope you had a wonderful birthday bear.... I LOVE to be your mom!!
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