May 30, 2009

Major Milestone

Good-Bye Good Shepard Christian Nursery School....

For 6 years I have brought all of my children to Good Shepard Christian Nursery School. It is a wonderful school, with wonderful teachers. We have had many good times there, been to the pumpkin patch, the farm, the zoo, The Land of Make Believe (6times!!), Halloween parties, holiday parties, and now 3 graduations.

Last Friday night my little turtle officially graduated from preschool. Not only is this a major milestone for her, moving up into kindergarten, but for us as well. We no longer have any children in preschool. It is a bitter sweet moment. I cannot believe they are all so big. That 6 years has passed by. That my 'BABY' is off to kindergarten. I guess I will enjoy this summer and blog about that on the first day of school, lol.

The graduation cap didn't fit her little head at all! LOL

Saying the Pledge of Allegiance

Diploma in hand

Thank you Good Shepard Christian Nursery School! We had a wonderful 6 years.

May 27, 2009

Who is teaching who?

I believe you may always make this face to the world...

I learn every day about life from you. About how to be a better parent from you. How to work with THAT attitude and make you open to learning from the world. I learn how to have more patience, how to try harder even when I have no idea what to do. I learn what love is more from you than any other person I have ever known.

From YOU I learn how this picture can be the most beautiful one I take all year.

Thank you monkey for all you have taught me about being a mom. I love you!!

MAY 18th 2009

Bendaroo art on your wall LOL

Happy Birthday Bear!!

I remember the day you were born more clearly then you will realize till you have your own kids. It was 8:27 at night, you were 7lbs 1 1/2 oz, and 20 inches long. You were terribly cute, and terribly cranky!! I believe you cried for a good 8 months. Today I tease you about it all the time, but that first year it did not seem funny at all. You grew to be the sweetest little thing I could have ever imagined. Your charm has captured me a thousand times over.
I remember clearly one day we were walking in the grocery store, you were about 3 years old, and I said
"Eric, I like to be your mom.", and without skipping a beat you said "I like to be your son.".
It was the cutest thing I've ever heard. Today at EIGHT years old you still say the same thing to me.

For your eighth birthday this year you had a few friends sleep over, and we had some family over for dinner. You guys ran around outside, played with Nerf guns, bounced on the trampoline, played video games, and watched movies. It was a fun night. You had a lacrosse tournament the next day, so I packed up a few of your friends and took them with us. We didn't get home till 8 that night. It was the longest birthday party EVER!! Here are a few pictures from the weekend.

Blowing out the candles with your brother trying to mess with you

Your new bike

Aunt Lisa bought you a skate board YOU LOVE!

Lacrosse tournament

I hope you had a wonderful birthday bear.... I LOVE to be your mom!!

May 10, 2009


I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!

I LOVE to have pictures of my children!! Especially when they are all together!! Every chance I get I make them all stand together and smile. It is never as easy as it seems. I end up with ten to twenty different photos, some with funny faces, some with tears, half looking in the wrong direction, and the other half blinking. I used to dread it, but over the years I have learned to love it. It is never easy, but the end result is wonderful. I now have years of these groups of pictures. This year I will share the some of Mother's Day ones.


I have about ten more but it would be overkill. LOL!

I love those those kids!! More than they will ever know!