June 02, 2009

Recital, Recital, Recital!

Another dance recital.....

Yes, it is that time of year again! My little turtle has had her second dance recital.
This year I was much more knowledgeable in the ways of dance recitals. I learned that dress rehearsal night is the best night of the show (for the girls at least), and they do not watch too closely for who has their camera that evening. It is also the only night the girls get to watch the show. For the little ones this is especially fun! We stayed all night, and saw ALL the acts. She had a blast!
I also learned that she really has no idea if we are in the audience or not. So there was no second mortgage for tickets this year!! The show is almost 2 hours, but her act itself is all of a minute long, LOL! Regardless it was unbelievably cute, and she enjoyed her minute on stage!!

I snuck this video from my camera the night of the rehearsal. You can barely make out the girls, it was dark and my camera is not great but it is still fun to watch. You will notice all the girls looking to one side or the other. There is older girls on the sides of the stage leading the routine to help them remember. It is honestly hysterical to watch!
Turtle is in the middle of my view.


At 10:08 AM , Blogger Nyla said...

Awww How cute! She is adorable! Many milestones for you this summer! School and ballet! Congrats to you both!

At 2:14 PM , Anonymous Colleen said...

If she is the one I think she is, she is way ahead of the rest of those girls on that routine. She did most of those moves before everyone else on the stage.


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