May 14, 2006

Happy Mother's Day!!

Funny thing about Mother's Day, it can fall on any day or any moment.

This year it was not today for me, but it was last Saturday. Not that today was bad, not at all! The boys made me homemade cards, the hubby cooked a fantastic breakfast, and we did yard work all day. But my kids were whinny and fresh and needy all day long. I did not get to enjoy them much, such as life. But last Saturday was different. The kids all woke up happy!! They all watched cartoons together without fighting, and ate breakfast with me happily. The hubby was working so I got them all to myself. We got ready and went to the middle one's soccer game. He did well and the other two played so nicely in the field with the dandelions. Still all of them behaving. I took them for ice cream instead of lunch. Fun! There was no "He pushed me!", or "Victoria said shut up". No talking back, or snotty attitudes. I don't know why this was the day they were all in sync, but it was, and I was able to enjoy the fun parts of being a mom all day (without the nasty side effects). I love them with every fiber of my being! I love when they laugh or cry, I love their noses, and cheeks and the smell of their little noggins. I love to watch them interact with eachother, and with us. I love to watch them sleep, and listen to them talk about their day. I love to hold their little hands (which are not as little anymore), and crawl into bed with them late at night. Well I could go on and on, but I won't, I just love them! So I wish you all a Happy Mother's Day, not just today, but any day. Any time you have the moment to sit back and enjoy them, just do it. The stages pass by so quickly, from snuggling with a newborn who won't let you sleep to sending him off to college (which I can't imagine makes you sleep any better), enjoy them all. Enjoy every day you can cause no one will remember if mom always had the laundry done on time but they will remember when she let them have ice cream for lunch.

The 3 of them on the couch together having fun!
Waiting for mom so we can go!!!


At 9:13 AM , Blogger Xia Diaz said...

Happy Mother's Day!!!! Enjoy them much. They are so precious!!

At 9:16 AM , Blogger Colleen said...

Happy Belated Mother's Day!


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