February 09, 2006

I'm Still Here

OK, I know it's been awhile. We have been busy here, and I seem to have a cold that is hanging around for way too long and making me unmotivated to blog. Plenty has gone on, just no desire to sit down and write about it. Jacob had his first science project due, FUN! He had to pick a animal a due a small 6 sentence report on it, telling things like "what does your animal eat?", "how does it move", "when does it sleep"' stuff like this. Although being forced to do work on the weekends and rewrite his report to be neat was annoying for him I still think we all had fun. Jace started a new job. Eric pulled my curtain rods out of the wall, and Victoria heard mommy say "fucking shitty" and repeated back to her for a couple of days. Thank God my mother was not here!! But overall everyone is well. I will post again soon I have some things on my brain but it is way past my bedtime.


At 6:29 AM , Blogger Octobermom said...

Jacob gets an "A" from me!

BTW, When Isaac was about 18 months old, he stubbed his toe on the kitchen table and said "Awww FUCK!!!" . It may have been right around then that it dawned on me that I should stop cursing around him.

Now I do all my cursing at work and get it out of my system before I get home ;-)



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