February 12, 2006

Not Today

Many mornings when I wake up with only 2 hours of sleep, and there is dishes from dinner the night before, and toys everywhere I wonder how the hell I got to where I am. When I am doing laundry they are hungry, when I am making breakfast they can't find any clean pants. When I am cleaning their rooms they are pulling all the toys out of the toy room and putting them behind the couch. Every moment of every day is consumed by taking some sort of care of one of my beautiful children. Now add in my husband. Not a bad guy at all, very unmotivated. He is capable but always needs a little nudge, (almost always). Let's add to this pile a full time bartending job which by no means challenges me mentally, but does consume all my sleep time. There are just days when I can't believe this is my real life. I am planning a vacation to Disney with my family for NEXT March! I love my kids, and my husband, and would be lost without some of the people I work with, but it is the things that I actually waste my time doing with my days that depresses me. Driving, cleaning, pouring juice, folding laudry, cutting sandwiches, yelling, refereing, checking homework, driving to work, serving drinks & food, and then home to sleep. Not what I had expected or wished for, so many days I find myself longing for just a little more. But not today!

February 10, 2006

Boys Will Be Boys

Someone please tell what would be the proper punishment for a certain 4 year old little boy who........jumps off the back of the couch and grabs a hold of the curtains to break the fall!!!! Not once but twice! Then he proclaimed it was by accident. My curtains and the poor rods! It is not as bad as it could be, the curtains were not destroyed and I may be able to bend the rods back, but the wholes in the wall where the screws used to be are there to stay. Yes of course I could spackle (or something) them up, sand them down, and then hope we have some of the same paint still laying around and repaint it. Then I could rehang the curtains and hope that he never does it again. Unfortunately I probably will just rehang the curtains and wait till we repaint the room to fix the rest. But back to the question at hand "what is the proper punishment for such actions??". When I was little my mother probably would have beaten me with the very rod I pried from the wall. Today that seems to be
an inappropriate punishment. So what, what do I do?

February 09, 2006

I'm Still Here

OK, I know it's been awhile. We have been busy here, and I seem to have a cold that is hanging around for way too long and making me unmotivated to blog. Plenty has gone on, just no desire to sit down and write about it. Jacob had his first science project due, FUN! He had to pick a animal a due a small 6 sentence report on it, telling things like "what does your animal eat?", "how does it move", "when does it sleep"' stuff like this. Although being forced to do work on the weekends and rewrite his report to be neat was annoying for him I still think we all had fun. Jace started a new job. Eric pulled my curtain rods out of the wall, and Victoria heard mommy say "fucking shitty" and repeated back to her for a couple of days. Thank God my mother was not here!! But overall everyone is well. I will post again soon I have some things on my brain but it is way past my bedtime.