More Good News! (and a few cute pics.)
Another update that I have.......
After seven long years of wipes and diapers "WE ARE DONE!". We have had Huggies, Pampers, Luvs, even CVS brand when I was stuck a couple times. Size 1, Size 2, Size 3, then Size 4 and 1, Size 4 and 2, Pull-ups and Size 3, then Size 4 and 1 again, as of lately we have been down to just size 4 Luvs, but it is all over! Our little turtle is officially potty trained!!!! She also was the one who gave us the least resistance. Pretty panties did the trick! NO MORE DIAPERS! NO MORE DIAPERS! NO MORE DIAPERS! She still needs pullups at night but otherwise we are done. Our family has totally changed. The oldest has been "promoted" to the Second Grade, the middle one just graduated from pre-school and will start kindergarten in the fall, and our baby is now potty trained. I remember when the boys were 2 yrs and 2 months and we took them to the circus. There was a couple with their kids in the row infront of us and it was their first trip out without a diaper bag or any sippy cups. Now that's us. I remember those people being much older, I thought???????????? Hmmmmm, maybe they were? Nothing sad about turning 30 (in 7 weeks by the way) and being rid of diapers, diaper bags, sippy cups, baby carriers, and high chairs. No more baby food or"Gerber Graduates", no more onsies or bibs, clothes we buy for the year now and not in 3 month installments, bed time is when WE decide, crying and whinnying can be frowned upon, "NO" is only for us to say, and spelling things so they don't know what we are talking about is also no longer an option(thanx to my 7 year old who spells better than me, shut up Colleen!). We have begun a whole new stage of this parenting thing, wish us luck! This one I am afraid will not be as easy.
Happy Memorial Day!
I hope you all had a nice weekend. Ours was nice and quiet, we stayed home. Our kids played outside, we had some friends over with their kids. All very "Apple Pie American", suitable for Memorial Day weekend. It always warms my heart to watch them run around outside with all the kids in the neighborhood eating ice pops and running under sprinklers.
The monkey was "trying" to look tough
Hanging on the front porch
The Bear on the grill