A run for my money
Just a short little story I thought I would share.........
So tonight we are all sitting at the table for dinner having a pretty good time (good enough story in itself). My middle child leans over and says to me,
"mom, can I whisper to you?"
I lean in and he says
"I have a magnetic ball in my belly".
I immediately know that he means one of the balls from the MAGNETIX toys grandma gave them for Christmas. He gives me a very insecure smile, and inside I start to panic!
"What do you mean you have a magnetic ball in your belly?" I say with a smile.
"I had one in my mouth, I was drooling on Jacob, and I swallowed it."
Oh my god!! I take a deep breath and start thinking. It should just pass through right? Oh man, what if doesn't? The husband gets instantly angry. I know he is thinking about how many times we have told that boy to keep things out of his mouth. That boy is looking at me for a reaction? The husband starts to yell, I tell him to walk away and calm down. I call around to my mom and aunt (who have raised 6 kids between the 2 of them), and they both feel that it should just pass through his system. My oldest then says
"Mom, it's ok. I swallowed a ball once at Bell's house and it came out in my poop! All kids do it once."
I decide I'm going to call the Dr at 8 O'clock on a Friday night cause it will help make me feel better about this whole thing. Let me just sit and ask him a few more questions. As it turns out he did indeed swallow a magnetic ball, but it was on Monday night. Yup, that was 4 days ago. I guess better than the years later I am hearing about the older one's swallowing incident, but still 4 days ago! I'm sure it is out already and trying to clog my drains as I type! I then put in a movie and took a minute to calm myself, the husband was trying to do the same. Scary and funny all in one. Mostly it just reminds me of the job that will never end with each of them. There is no magic age they turn where you can stop worrying about them. I pray all the time for them to be safe, and so far so good. But I could live another 60 years, which is roughly 22,000 days, and I am sure every one of those days I will worry about one of them, if not all.
I have had that kind of week where you question just what was I thinking when I decided to do this whole "playing house" thing. This would be a very fitting end to this week. Any other week this may have been more funny to me, but this week it is just overwhelming. I hope you all get a laugh out of it though.