December 04, 2008

Looking forward to December 17th!


This semester has been insane! I am taking Human Anatomy & Physiology, and it's kicking my butt. We ARE still here though I promise. I have two more exams, and I can finally return to my family. They are struggling with my semester too. My poor husband has been traveling a lot for work so when he's home I quickly leave to get some studying done, and when he's gone I'm complaining about how overwhelmed I am. I pawn my poor kids off on everyone I know every time I get the chance, they will be happy to see the semester come to an end also.

They have had a busy fall too. School and sports keep us all going non-stop. I am still at times struggling with the monkey. I worry about him so much. He is sensitive and emotional, and not always sure of himself. It does not help that he fights us on EVERYTHING! It is just his nature, but it makes his life more difficult. For that I get sad. I love him so much and want him to enjoy the world and life, and be happy with himself. I hope I can help him learn how. Bear is going through a "too cool" stage....since birth, but especially lately. I look forward squashing that when the semester is over. He enjoys the non-stop action, and is hoping we will sign him up for a boxing program this year. BOXING...great! As for the little turtle in the house, she just turned 5 a few weeks ago. We had some friends over for her and she had a blast. It amazes me how fast the time goes. I can't believe how big they have all grown. The ipods are always going, friends knocking on the door, full blown fights between the boys, and arguments with the little girl on why she can't wear my jewelery. How did that happen?

I find myself thankful this year for the Lego's on the floor, Hannah Montana stickers everywhere, High School Musical 1, 2 & 3, clothes that never make it into the laundry basket, and tooth paste on the sink. They will never get younger than they are today, and the days go by so fast.
On that note I will go enjoy them. I leave you with a few pictures from her birthday....

I am Five!

Blowing out the candles

Turtle with her friend

*Today's my mom's birthday...Happy Birthday Mom!


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