Major Milestone
The graduation cap didn't fit her little head at all! LOL
Saying the Pledge of Allegiance
Diploma in hand
Thank you Good Shepard Christian Nursery School! We had a wonderful 6 years.
The graduation cap didn't fit her little head at all! LOL
Saying the Pledge of Allegiance
Diploma in hand
I believe you may always make this face to the world...
I learn every day about life from you. About how to be a better parent from you. How to work with THAT attitude and make you open to learning from the world. I learn how to have more patience, how to try harder even when I have no idea what to do. I learn what love is more from you than any other person I have ever known.
From YOU I learn how this picture can be the most beautiful one I take all year.
Thank you monkey for all you have taught me about being a mom. I love you!!
Blowing out the candles with your brother trying to mess with you
Lacrosse tournament
I hope you had a wonderful birthday bear.... I LOVE to be your mom!!
I hope you all had a wonderful Mother's Day!
I have about ten more but it would be overkill. LOL!
I love those those kids!! More than they will ever know!