Happy Labor Day!
This time of year is always bitter sweet to me.
It is the last official day of summer vacation. Although the kids started school last week, it was a short week with two half days. They have off Friday and Monday, so this long weekend is our last bit of summer. It IS nice to have them back in school, but along with school comes homework, and sports. The monkey is playing soccer, bear is in football, and our little turtle is doing gymnastics and dance again this year. The husband is coaching for both teams and I took Anatomy & Physiology, so the fall is a busy time in our house. It is sad for me to say good bye to summer, when we sleep late, play all day, no homework, no schedules, and I get to have lunch with my kids every day. Now they are out the door at 8:30, they get home 3:30, practice by 5 or 6, and we don't get home till 8 sometimes 8:30. We do this all week long and then games on Saturdays and Sundays. I like watching them play their sports and helping them with their homework, I like that they are gone all day and not home getting on each other's nerves. I love this class, and my husband loves to coach BUT ....THE SUMMER IS MUCH BETTER!!!
Here's a few pictures from Bushkill Falls...
Funny faces are much easier to get than plain old smiles these days
This is the Bear's first year playing pads and he loves it!! That's him and Dad.
This was the boys first day of school. The turtle doesn't go till next week. With her birthday being on November she will not start kindergarten until next year, so this is her last year of preschool, and our last year PAYING for preschool!!
I hope you all had a wonderful summer, and HAPPY LABOR DAY!