The Never Ending Cold!!
I am sitting at my computer drinking my coffee and decided I wanted to post about this DAMN COLD! Does anyone else have this stupid cold, (besides my mom whom has complained about it for awhile)? I wake up coughing, congested, with a runny nose and bad headache. It hangs around all day, then kicks me in the butt at night again. I had this cold for Victoria's birthday party (nov.13), I had it for my aunt carla's funeral (nov 18), we all had it for Thanksgiving (nov 24), and now I will have it for Jace's work x-mas party (dec 3). I am getting tired of the cold. I could go the Dr. , but I much prefer to weather the storm than pump antibiotics into my system. I am skeptical about all the drugs that are prescribed now a days. The cold has traveled through the entire family, and is now back to me. I'm sure the lack of sleep all week has not helped at all, but none the less, I WANT IT TO GO AWAY! I hope none of you have this cold! Sorry to bore you with this but I wanted to complain about this dumb cold before I go back to the mom stuff where no one will listen to me complain.
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