January 11, 2006

To smoke or not to smoke

I am pleased to report that New Jersey will be the 10th state to go smokefree!
Oddly this is a cause for much debate. I actually argued with my mother the other day, who by the way is a non-smoker, about this "almost" new law. She feels that we should be able to choose whether or not we want to smoke, work in a smoking place, choose to wear our seatbelts, have our kids wear helmets on their bikes, etc. It would be nice if we all just took responsibility for ourselves. But, too many people don't want to. I personally feel I should have the right to work, dine, or drink in a smoke free environment. I know that smokers, which I am occasionally, feel they should have the right to smoke where ever they work, dine, or drink. Unfortunately smoke is harmful to not just the smoker but those people around him or her. This article shows a good "Pro" point of view. Second hand smoke is harmful, and costly to our country. For that reason I think the government has the right to create laws to protect those who do not smoke. You can't smoke in the movies, or at the mall, or at just about any normal day job, why should where you choose to eat or drink be different? Even though I do enjoy a cigarette when I am drinking, I am going to guess that most people are not going to die from going outside, on the contrary we may all live a little longer. As for the government controlling us, as long as they pick something that is in the best interest of all our health, how can we fault them?


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